Dennis Qiu
11:15 A.M.
9/6/15 (September 6, 2015)

When night falls,
The soulless lurk in the shadows for galls
To deplete, as rid of mind, body, and soul.
Yet they are no more under the scorching light,
However they may live in the dark shelters,
Unless lit, they forever shall remain.
This universe itself is shaped by itself,
Though itself and the universe differs
They are one and the same, of itself.
This universe is only a game,
Yet itself thinks it real
And explores, in whatever way it wants.
The universe is full of risks;
May it never cease to stop.
And shall it own itself, claim itself, in peace.

NOTE: This one is about a game, towards a specific audience, in which the audience have a lot of experience in gaming. I don't want people to put the answer in the comments section when they figure it out. So, it is fine to put whatever in the comments as long as it isn't the answer.

Replace the alphabet with numbers. So basically changing the answer into a numerical code of sorts. I don't want someone to put all the numbers in one comment, since people could think backwards like that. So, TO EACH PERSON who figured out the answer, comment one number. One number per person. No one is allowed to comment multiple numbers. Oh and to make it better, just scramble it up. For example, this word "math", in numerical code, is 131208. By scrambling, let's say it went like this: 1, 13, 20, 8. Basically like randomly mixing it up. Once all the numbers are in feel free to put them in order and comment the answer. So in the example above, it'll go: 131208-->math. Ok y'all good? Then go ahead. Enjoy and have fun! 


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